All about your event in one place.

No more flyers! Up-to-date information for participants on the event and destination from anywhere, anytime and with no need for downloading anything in advance.
Mobile app preview
You only need
an internet connection.

How easy. And in your mobile phone!

With the web app you can quickly and easily control information on your event.

Saves time

Let your participants know about your event – we will populate and customise the app for you. The most recent information is our priority.

Saves nature

No more flyers to lose. No more need for downloading anything: just scan the QR code and get info on the place, accommodation and culture.

Saves money

Free for you and users. You don’t have to be a BCB partner, but just active in tourism. Organiser, hotel, restaurant, medical clinic…

Mobile app preview
Mobile app preview
Mobile app preview
Mobile app preview
Mobile app preview
Mobile app preview
Mobile app preview



Briefly introduce the event, pick the best speakers or the highlights of the program.

Mobile app preview



Outline where the event is held and how to get there. And for details we have a map!

Mobile app preview

What to do nearby

What to do nearby

Attending a conference is not just about gaining know-how. You’ll offer a concert, exhibition, trip...

Mobile app preview

Hotels and gastronomy

Hotels and gastronomy

You’ll recommend accommodation near the event and add well-proven gastro tips in the area.

Mobile app preview


You will provide practical information that will come in handy for the event participants during their stay.

Mobile app preview



You can download additional materials for your event in pdf format to the app.

Mobile app preview

To share

To share

Website embedding - use the html code to transfer the section to your website.

Mobile app preview
Online guide
But first let us know about yourself, so we can contact you.